Tag Archives: puppies

Puppies and pantyhose

10 Jul

I was inspired by Elizabeth to check this out. The following search terms brought people to my blog yesterday:

  • bookish joy wordpress fragments of a wan
  • but sarkozy is not at all surprising th
  • mom wears a pantyhose
  • puppies lexington ave 77th


Conversation with a puppy man

27 May

Yesterday, I went into the city for some appointments, and between them, had some time to kill. I made some new friends. For now, here’s a snippet of a chat with one of them.

While waiting to meet up with someone, I saw this sign:

Lexington Ave. near 77th st.

Lexington Ave. near 77th st.

So, of course, I had to enter. Some puppies:

Anyway, in order to not look conspicuous while loitering, I struck up a conversation with a man who works there. Apparently, they moved into the neighborhood recently because of a condo development that displaced the business (which is why I didn’t recognize the shop from my high school years.) After he asked me what I was studying, he said, “you know, what you study often has little to do with your career. For example, I studied social work. I was a social worker for several years. But then I realized that I like working with dogs more than people.”